Thomas Arnold Primary School

*** 15 and 30 hour Nursery places available for September 2024 - please call school office for details *** ***Six O'clock club spaces available - please call school office for details***

British Values

Promoting British Values

The DfE have reinforced the need “to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.”

Schools, through their curriculum, are legally bound to actively promote fundamental British values: 

Democracy – Having the right to an opinion/voice


Rule of Law – Understanding why rules are important and following them to develop order


Individual Liberty – The right to make our own choices


Mutual Respect – Having respect for each other, treating others as you want to be treated and working together


Tolerance of those from different faiths and beliefs – Learning about different faiths and cultures

How does Thomas Arnold actively promote British Values?


  • We have an elected School Council and E-safety Ambassadors.  These are used as an opportunity to promote and teach about democracy and the electoral process.
  • We encourage children to express their views through “Pupil Voice” surveys and ensure they are listened to in school and see evidence of what they have suggested in place.
  • We organise visits to the local council as well as visits from local councillors.
  • We participate in Junior Citizen Programmes.
  • We teach children how to present their views logically through persuasive writing.
  • Democracy is also promoted through additional PSHE lessons and assemblies.
  • Look at examples in History and encourage the children to draw their own conclusions about how Democracy works e.g. Ancient Greece.

Rule of law

  • We have high expectations about pupil conduct and this is reflected in our behaviour policy.
  • Children are encouraged to understand what we mean by “good” behaviour from an early age.
  • We have clear rewards and sanctions.
  • Positive behaviour is celebrated across the school in assemblies and with parents/carers.
  • The children are taught that they earn their rewards through behaving well.
  • All staff are committed to promoting good behaviour and visiting staff are given information about how we want the children to behave and how they are to be treated.
  • We use restorative justice approaches to resolve conflicts.
  • We include visits from the local police and fire service to reinforce the rule of law as part of our curriculum.

Individual Liberty

  • We support pupils to develop their self-awareness, self-confidence and self-esteem.
  • We encourage children to develop their talents and individual skills across the curriculum and value all their achievements.
  • We encourage pupils to take responsibility for their behaviour as well as knowing their rights.
  • All staff follow safeguarding policies in order to provide a safe supportive environment to protect individuals.
  • The children are expected to behave in a safe responsible way in order to protect each other and not to infringe on another child’s personal liberty.
  • We encourage children to express their opinions whilst learning to respect the opinions of others.
  • Children are taught that personal freedom must be exercised safely, with regard to others through regular safeguarding talks regarding safety, cyber-bullying and inappropriate use of electronic games.
  • We challenge stereotypes.
  • We implement a strong anti-bullying culture.

Respect and Tolerance

  • We promote respect for individual differences.
  • We help pupils to acquire an understanding of and respect for, their own and other cultures and ways of life.
  • We challenge discriminatory or prejudicial behaviour.
  • We encourage and try to develop critical personal thinking skills.
  • We participate in fundraising campaigns e.g. Children in Need, Comic Relief.
  • We discuss differences between people such as faith, ethnicity, disability, gender sexuality and differences of family such as looked – after children or young carers.
  • We organise visits to places of worship.
  • We celebrate different festivals.
  • We adopt a multicultural approach to the curriculum and include elements such as stories, food, music, dancing etc.
  • We involve parents in sharing their languages and cultural experience in our curriculum