Welcome to a new week of P.E at Thomas Arnold.
For your P.E lessons this week, please watch the video and follow the activities.
You will need to complete it during your P.E lessons each week. Keep an eye on the website as your weekly P.E lessons will be uploaded each week.
Have fun!
EYFS and Key Stage One
Year 1
Year 2
Activities to do at home
Repeat these activities for 15 minutes
Written task:
Try to think of a sport or a sports person, for each letter of the alphabet. You could use the internet or a non-fiction book to help you research.
Questions to discuss with someone at home
Why do you think PE in an important lesson?
Were you able to complete the circuit today?
Which of the fitness cards did you find the hardest to do?
How could you challenge yourself further while completing the fitness cards?
Cool down
Well done!
Check the website on Monday 22nd February for your next PE lesson.